Welcome to a new and exciting year of Math@Acera!
Students began meeting in their pre-placed Math classes on Thursday, September 7. The first few class meetings will include some review of past and prerequisite material and a look ahead for what will be covered in the class.
During the second week of school, written assessments will be held in individual math classes to gather more information to either validate the pre-placement, or inform a need for an alternative placement. Based on the teachers’ observations during the first few class meetings and the results of the assessment, a final placement will be made, and the math classes should be in a relative final form towards the end of the second week.
Please expect a welcome e-mail from your child(ren)’s math teacher(s) sometime in the week of September 18.
While we hope that the math class groupings will be finalized by the end of the second week of school, as always, we will continue observing students’ math progressions throughout the year. If an alternative placement becomes more appropriate for a particular student, we will start a discussion among the math and core teachers involved, and will reach out to the student’s parents to fully evaluate the student’s needs and make a determination on the mid-year class move.
News on our Math program and upcoming Math events planned for the year will be shared on a monthly basis. Similar to last year, we plan to hold Fall and Spring Math festivals, provide ample opportunities for students to participate in fun mathematical contests, and will continue offering Mathletes Creativity Stations for the interested students to dip their toes into extracurricular challenging math problems and to explore creative problem solving in a math circle format.
In the meanwhile, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Viktor@aceraschool.org with any and all inquiries about Math@Acera.
Happy mathing in the new year!
Viktor Grigoryan, Ph.D, is Acera’s Math Curriculum Coordinator